FasterEFT Australia, Faster EFT Australia
FREE SESSION: How to Get Your Happy Back. Now!
Discover how to stress less, smile more and live an inspired, healthy, happy life
Access Your Free Session Now
Please click on the button below to access your FREE Get Your Happy Back session now, so you can unlock the key to living the life you desire.
What you'll receive...
1.  A free phone or Skype session from the comfort of your home.

2.  A no-obligation opportunity to explore what is holding you back from experiencing happiness.

3.  Invaluable direction and guidance on the next crucial steps to living an inspired, happy and healthy life. 

Use FasterEFT to live a more successful, happier and healthier life
Find out how you can leverage FasterEFT to 
get your happy back!
"I thought the Get Your Happy Back session would be just a consultation about what was bothering me. It turned out to be a working session in which my biggest problem was released and my stress was gone! Pam is quick, to the point, and able to bring back the hope that was missing from me within a one hour session! FasterEFT is an unbelievable tool. Thank you Pam. You're great!  
~ V.O, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Hey, Pam Wright here...let me ask you a question...
Do you crave a different life; one which is filled with infinite happiness, joy, peace, harmonious relationships, a satisfying career, health, wealth and amazing well-being? 

If you are looking to discover the key to:

>> Increased self esteem
>> Body confidence
>> Great health and well-being
>> A pain or symptom-free life
>> Incredible relationships
>> Rock-solid inner peace
>> A wealthy mindset
>> Freedom from fears/phobias, Depression, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, PTSD, trauma..and more..

And, a stress-free've come to the right place!

You see, the secret to achieving all of those incredible things is to fully understand what it is you are REALLY wanting and what is standing in the way of your success. 

You are a master Creator. 

But you may not know how to create what it is that you truly want in life. 

Once you have unlocked the mystery to why you have not been able to achieve the life that you desire yet, you will be able to start creating a new vision for yourself. 

I want to support you to start feeling good about yourself again, but more importantly I want you to gain CLARITY!

Before I discovered FasterEFT and tapping, I found myself stuck in the corner of a room, rocking and wanting to die

I was miserable and desperate. I was ready to give up on life! 

Then, I discovered "tapping"...and in one session my whole world changed. 

I started heading in the right direction and the path to recovery was suddenly made very clear.

Now, I am an empowered woman and 100% committed to my happiness. I also love helping people to get their zest for life back - to stress less and smile a whole lot more. I not only work with amazingly talented people who are struggling, stressed or have limiting beliefs and blocks, but also highly functioning people that just know they can be more, do more and achieve more. 
       Pam xo
Meet Pam Wright, Happiness Facilitator
I'm a Level 5 certified Master in FasterEFT and first introduced the amazing modality of FasterEFT to Australia when I personally invited and hosted Robert G. Smith to the country to present his level 1 training. 

FasterEFT represents a core part of my global business and is the number one stress relief tool I use to help clients to stress less and smile more!

My genius is assisting you to understand how you are creating your current challenges and then helping you to release and eliminate these problems from your life. 

I have conducted thousands of hours of personal consulting, run numerous workshops using EFT and FasterEFT and have presented on everything from learning to love yourself to creating prosperity. 

I have been utterly blessed with the opportunity to teach EFT to hundreds of individuals. I have given countless presentations to groups, conferences and organisations, both in person and online, and been invited on numerous occasions to share my expertise on radio.

My journey began over 20 years' ago when I initiated healing and freedom in my own life and believe my highest qualification is the firsthand knowledge and experience I've gained while searching for inner peace and joy.
There's no's obligation free!
So, by now, you may be thinking..

'"Ok, Pam, then why are you doing this? Why are you giving this session away for free when you could easily charge me $250 for it?"

A few reasons actually...

1. It's my way of helping people who are experiencing stress in their lives, because I have been there too and know how incredibly painful it can be. I believed, "I couldn't solve this problem and it was never going to end." I also know that FasterEFT needs to be experienced first-hand, so you can start to feel positive changes in your life.

2. With all the mental health challenges people are facing these days, I believe that people need to experience tools and processes which are fast, effective and capable of producing great shifts in their lives.

3. I want everyone on the planet to know about tapping; and then what you do with this newfound knowledge is your choice; but if you haven't tried it for yourself, you won't know what is possible. You may also know someone who's suffering and could benefit from this...a "pay it forward" approach!


In my business I am working in session with clients from all over the world, offering online events and delivering presentations, which means my schedule becomes full quickly and this offer may disappear at any time... (and you risk losing out).

Book your free "Get Your Happy Back" session below so you don't risk missing out!
 Pam is fantastic, so thorough and I felt so comfortable with her. We worked through the negative programming of my entire life! I was able to release a lot of negative emotion associated with my Lyme Disease and achieve better health!
M.C, New York, NY
I had a fear of flying all of my life. Whenever I had to fly I would always end up in tears and having a panic attack. It was very embarrassing and I felt totally out of control. After one session with Pam I have flown twice in the past few months and both times I felt calm, relaxed and in control. No-more embarrassing tears and I can now plan exciting holidays without worrying.
Julia, Traralgon, Australia
 I can’t recommend Pam enough and if you are ready to finally get un-stuck and out of the same old crappy patterns and move forward to creating what you want and how you really want to feel, Pam may just be the woman for the job! Thank you Pam so very much.
Janine, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
 Within the first 10 minutes of my first session with Pam I had made my decision. She helped me release so much pain that I was carrying from a past experience, which I never knew I was holding onto. She helped me get in touch with my own heart and make my own decision. I am very grateful for that.
M. Jenkins
After talking with Pam and doing a session I walked out just over an hour later and I tell you..I am a new man. Pam helped me let go of all the emotional stress and hatred that I had built up inside me. I look at things from a totaly different perspective now, and my enjoyment for life is so great I look forward to every new day. 
Paul, Traralgon, Australia
Get Your Happy Back: Discover how to stress less, smile more and live an inspired, happy and healthy life.
This session will assist you to pinpoint with accurate precision the blocks which are standing in your way of feeling incredibly happy and satisfied with your life. A session like this normally costs my coaching clients $250 AUD.

But, I want you to experience the amazing power and effectiveness of FasterEFT, and to decide whether we are a match to continue working together.

I am absolutely committed to supporting you in obtaining actual results...

Imagine if you were handed the keys to breaking your lifelong programs which have limited and restricted you all your life - and you used your newfound wisdom to start creating a limitless, joyous and inspired life...

Boosted self esteem, strong confidence, endless inner peace, increased self love etc.

You see, when I first started out, what I really needed was the support and expert guidance of a practitioner to direct me to where I needed to go to start healing.

I spent a long time going around in circles. I knew I had discovered a great tool, but I just didn't know where to start or what to do to change the lifelong habits and beliefs I had developed over the years. 

It was frustrating. And, I was impatient to see results. I wanted to heal and release years of trauma, memories, limiting beliefs and emotions, but I felt overwhelmed.

That's why I am offering you a complimentary Get Your Happy Back help you achieve sustainable results and long-term change.
Pam Wright & Associates, Copyright 2018, All Rights Reserved